Musashi Bulk Creatine Stack Raspber

作者:佚名 | 发布时间:2016-09-03 18:18:09
BULK Creatine Stack is formulated to help increase training intensity and power energy, with a potent blend of ingredients to assist with muscle building. Each single serve delivers 8g of Creatine, 5g of Glutamine, 3g of BCAAs, 3g of Taurine and 1g of HMB. The combination of ingredients within BULK Creatine Stack helps to increase energy output, while supporting new muscle development and reducing muscle breakdown post exercise. Just add to water, shake and drink during or immediately after training.
中文名称 Musashi Bulk Creatine Stack Raspberry - 715g
英文名称 Musashi Bulk Creatine Stack Raspberry - 715g
品牌 Musashi
发货方式 澳洲直邮
规格 15
发货国家 澳大利亚
