德国VicNic有假货吗? 德国VicNic百货靠谱吗?

作者:佚名 | 发布时间:2017-12-12 11:23:03
  德国VicNic有假货吗? 德国VicNic百货靠谱吗?现在就跟着全球去哪买(微信公众号:qqqnamai)小编一起来看看吧。

  德国VicNic百货由德国汉堡总商会协助成立,专营零售优质德国品牌,为同期在线零售商世界排名前18%。品类丰富,覆盖美容护肤、健康保健、母婴儿童、宠物健粮、健身营养等。首选德国制造,兼备获奖认证质量, 同时为品类领域专家和效果卓越,用家口碑佳。



  德国VicNic百货 购物教程攻略

  1. Made in Germany, Made in EU

  All products offered on VicNic.com are 100% made in Germany or other European Countries. The label Made in Germany and Made in EU stands for product reliability, high quality, professionalism and strict quality controls (Forbes, 2017). Therefore, products made in Germany and made in EU enjoy the highest reputation among consumers worldwide (Statista, 2017).

Made in GermanyMade in EU vicnic.com

  2. Premium Quality

  Although Made in Germany and Made in EU is a strong signal of quality and reliability, just being that does not qualify a product to be offered on VicNic.com . The brands and products on VicNic.com are not only made in Germany but also of premium quality, which derives from one or a combination of following criteria:

  3. Unparalleled expertise in a specific field

  Brands offered on VicNic.com belong to the best German brands in their field, due to their exceptionally specialised expertise. For example, the brand Gehwohl is specialised in foot care. The brand is renown for developing the first industrially produced ointment to prevent foot problems and with unparalleled experience since 1886, it is regarded as a pioneer of modern foot care.

  Many of our brands also guard their know-how tightly by passing it on across family generations within their company. This way, the brands continue to excel in their field and their products remain unique. Also, many brands strictly control their supply. That is, quality throughout the whole value chain is of upmost importance, which leads to limited quantities and strong selection of retail outlets.

German expertise research

  4. Product benefits or quality have been proven

  The fourth criteria that a product has to satisfy in order to be offered on VicNic.com is a proof of its benefits or quality. There are four ways of such proof:

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